Our big cause:
To bring wellness providers and resources together to create ONE amazing inspiration + support network for wellness + health!
So that wellness seekers can be fully supported in health - body, mind, spirit, emotion, and soul. In any modality, whatever they need. In person + virtual. With personal support.
Get the scoop as video:
This is why I'm starting this Integrative Wellness Network, and all the benefits WELLNESS PROVIDERS + WELLNESS SEEKERS will get:
Wellness providers, look inside:
Meet some of our first members, get a glimpse inside our virtual space, and how you could benefit by JOYning us!
Be one of the first WELLNESS PROVIDERS* to start networking with other fabulous business owners as we're forming our one comprehensive wellness support resource, and get access to fabulous wellness business visibility opportunities!
[* note, access to the public follows later!]
Choose your favorite way to come in:
Who are we?
We means me Astrid Mueller (CANcer thriver and founder of this network) - and a group of first excited wellness providers who also love this cause.
We just had our first event and first networking mixers. And we just opened the virtual platform for first wellness providers! (see links below to come in!)
Next (estimated in fall 2024) we will open to the public, as a great resource of health + wellness inspiration, with access to full wellness support (sign up to get updates!)
Get social with us!
Follow us, share our posts + invite your wellness biz friends!
Together, we are force for good:
let's help create full wellness support, for all!
Wellness business networking!
See details of our wellness business networking mixers, and meet us:
SEE DETAILSHear when we fully open:
We're currently only open to wellness providers.
Sign up to hear when we open to the public, so you can join us for amazing health wellness inspiration + resources!